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Call For
Scientific Abstracts

Shape the Future of Pain Management
Submit Abstract

Share Your Research, Shape the Future of Pain Management

PAINWeek 2025 is now accepting scientific poster abstract submissions. Showcase your groundbreaking research, gain global exposure, and connect with industry leaders. Don’t miss the chance to shape the future of pain management!

Abstracts may be:

  • Research-oriented, or evidence-based
  • Relevant to specialists and frontline practitioners who manage acute and chronic pain
  • Inclusive of medication management, devices, and digital therapeutics
  • A summary of research findings or a review of current evidence-based recommendations

Abstracts for posters that will report data need to include information on the methods and results sufficient for evaluation.

Submit Abstract
Deadline: The deadline for electronic submission is 5:00 pm ET, Thursday, June 12. All authors will be notified via email on the status of their submission on or by July 9.

Abstract Guidelines

  1. At least one presenting author or presenter of accepted abstracts must register to attend the PAINWeek 2025. Acceptance of an abstract does not automatically register you for the conference.
  2. PAINWeek will accept abstracts that have already been presented at  other medical conferences. 
  3. Abstracts should include:
    • Title of the abstract
    • Author lists and affiliations
    • Corresponding author and email address 
    • Keywords
    • Funding/acknowledgments
    • Full structured abstract (1,100 words or fewer)
      • Background: 200 words 
      • Purpose: 150 words 
      • Methods: 200 words 
      • Results: 350 words
      • Conclusions for Future Research and/or Clinical Care: 200 words 
  4. There is a limit of two abstracts one author may submit for consideration. 
  5. The first author is responsible for communicating policies to all involved parties. 
  6. Student authors are permitted to submit. 
Submit Abstract


PAINWeek requires faculty and poster authors/presenters who have an interest in selling a technology, program, product, and/or service to healthcare professionals to disclose this information in order to be considered for and/or present at any PAINWeek educational session.

Oral Presentations

PAINWeek 2025 will feature live speaking opportunities for accepted abstracts. All speaking slots will be scheduled during exhibit hall breaks and receptions on the exhibit hall stage.

This 10-minute speaking opportunity will be available as a paid add-on for $7,500. Authors, presenters, or companies interested in this option to further highlight their accepted abstract can indicate their interest during the submission process.

Late-breaking Abstracts


This policy allows for the submission of late-breaking abstracts specifically for randomized Phase III trials under certain conditions.

Eligibility Criteria

  • No preliminary data available by the regular abstract submission deadline (June 12).
  • A preplanned analysis of the primary endpoint is scheduled between June 12 and July 9.

Submission Process

During abstract submission, you must provide the date of the planned analysis. The final, updated late-breaking abstract deadline is July 9.

Important Note

This policy is not intended for submitting updated data when preliminary results are already available by the regular abstract submission deadline.

This policy ensures that important, time-sensitive research can be included in the conference program while maintaining the integrity of the submission process.

Important Dates

February 28
Submission Portal opens
June 12
Abstract Submission Deadline, 5:00 pm EST
July 9
Authors/Presenters will be notified of the status of their abstracts
Deadline for final, updated late-breaking abstracts
August 1
Accepted abstracts will be posted on the conference website
November 2025
Accepted abstracts to be published in the Taylor & Francis Postgraduate Medicine journal


CONTACT: Carli Rowe, Program Director
[email protected]

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